Pendisplay class takes a struct MUI_PenSpec and displays it. Its main use is to be sub-classed by Poppen class which adds a popup window to adjust the MUI_PenSpec. Poppen class should be used by every application that allows users to configure custom drawing pens.
Attribute Ver ISG Type ----------------------------------- --- --- -------------------- MUIA_Pendisplay_Pen V13 ..G ULONG MUIA_Pendisplay_Reference V13 ISG Object * MUIA_Pendisplay_RGBcolor V11 ISG struct MUI_RGBcolor * MUIA_Pendisplay_Spec V11 ISG struct MUI_PenSpec *
Method Ver ----------------------------------- --- MUIM_Pendisplay_SetColormap V13 MUIM_Pendisplay_SetMUIPen V13 MUIM_Pendisplay_SetRGB V13
NAME MUIA_Pendisplay_Pen -- (V13) [..G], ULONG FUNCTION Between MUIM_Setup and MUIM_Cleanup, this attribute returns the pen number MUI uses for color representation of the current pendisplay object. This attribute returns -1 when outside of MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup or when the pendisplay object didnt allocate a color on its own (e.g. because MUIA_Pendisplay_Reference). SEE ALSO MUIA_Pendisplay_Reference
NAME MUIA_Pendisplay_Reference -- (V13) [ISG], Object * FUNCTION Display exactly this pen, dont allocate one on your own. SEE ALSO MUIA_Pendisplay_Pen
NAME MUIA_Pendisplay_RGBcolor -- (V11) [ISG], struct MUI_RGBcolor * FUNCTION Private attribute, only for PSI.
NAME MUIA_Pendisplay_Spec -- (V11) [ISG], struct MUI_PenSpec * FUNCTION The black box structure MUI_PenSpec specifies a drawing pen which should be displayed by Pendisplay class. If you use Poppen class to allow your users to configure custom drawing pens, its this attribute that you need to get() and save in your preferences. Use the functions MUI_ObtainPen() and MUI_ReleasePen() from muimaster.library and the MUIPEN() macro to get a usable value for SetAPen() from a struct MUI_PenSpec. NOTE: In allmost all cases you will use Poppen class which is a subclass of Pendisplay class. SEE ALSO muimaster.library/MUI_ObtainPen(), muimaster.library/MUI_ReleasePen()
NAME MUIM_Pendisplay_SetColormap (V13) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Pendisplay_SetColormap,LONG colormap); FUNCTION Switch the pendisplay object to a specific colormap entry. SEE ALSO MUIM_Pendisplay_SetMUIPen, MUIM_Pendisplay_SetRGB
NAME MUIM_Pendisplay_SetMUIPen (V13) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Pendisplay_SetMUIPen,LONG muipen); FUNCTION Switch the pendisplay object to a specific mui pen (MPEN_SHINE, MPEN_SHADOW, ...) SEE ALSO MUIM_Pendisplay_SetColormap, MUIM_Pendisplay_SetRGB
NAME MUIM_Pendisplay_SetRGB (V13) SYNOPSIS DoMethod(obj,MUIM_Pendisplay_SetRGB,ULONG red, ULONG green, ULONG blue); FUNCTION Switch the pendisplay object to an RGB value. SEE ALSO MUIM_Pendisplay_SetMUIPen, MUIM_Pendisplay_SetColormap
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